Revelador de Windows CD-Key es una aplicación de software ligero diseñado específicamente para ayudar a obtener información sobre el sistema operativo y la clave del CD de Windows mediante acciones directas.
La comodidad de trabajar con herramientas portátiles
Esta es una utilidad portable que se puede ejecutar en su sistema con sólo abrir el archivo ejecutable (no hay instalación incluida en el proceso). No es necesario hacer un llamamiento a desinstaladores de terceros para deshacerse de ella, ya que la tarea se puede lograr a través de un proceso de eliminación simple.
Además, es posible almacenarlo en dispositivos de medios portátiles, como unidades flash USB, llevar con usted, y ejecutarlo en el sistema de destino sin privilegios administrativos.
No hay entradas que se dejen en su registro de Windows y otros elementos de configuración en su PC.
Windows CD-Key Revealer is a lightweight software application designed specifically for helping you get information about your operating system and Windows CD key using straightforward actions. The comfort of working with portable tools This is a portable utility that can be run on your system by simply opening the executable file (there’s no setup included in the process).
You do not need to appeal to third-party uninstallers for getting rid of it, as the task can be accomplished via a simple deletion process. In addition, you may store it on portable media devices, such as USB flash drives, carry it with you, and run it on the target system without administrative privileges. No entries are left in your Windows registry and other configuration items in your PC. Simplistic looks
Windows CD-Key Revealer doesn’t employ a GUI for helping you grab the desired information about your system. It actually employs a notification panel that embeds the necessary details. As soon as you open the executable file, the application automatically pops up a minimalistic window that shows information about your operating system, installation date, as well as CD key. If you click on the ‘OK’ button, the CD key is copied to the clipboard, so you may easily transfer data into other third-party utilities. Tests have shown that
Windows CD-Key Revealer carries out a task quickly and without errors. It leaves a minimal footprint on your system resources. All things considered, Windows CD-Key Revealer delivers a simplistic and efficient software solution for getting the Windows CD key and information about the OS, and can be handled by rookies and professionals alike.
Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version
Windows CD-Key Revealer portable |
5.2 Mb